Chamber Breathing Air Quad
Ordering Codes: AIRQUAD12 (12 Cylinder) AIRQUAD16 (12 Cylinder)
iSubC Diving Equipment offer a range of custom-made high-pressure storage racks for air, mixed gas or oxygen, in any rack size, either vertical or horizontal configuration.
Designed and manufactured by Synergy Innovative Diving Equipment, all quads are designed for ease of lifting and securing multiple cylinder configuration. Quads can be supplied in 12 & 16 cylinder vertical or 32, 64 or, 128-cylinder configuration for horizontal racks, or as per client’s requirement. All racks come with DNV type ringed pad eyes with certified lifting slings (for crane lift) and with forklift slots for ground transportation.
All racks utilize seamless steel gas cylinders according to EN ISO 9809-2 and are plumbed using stainless steel tubing for air and tungum tubing for oxygen and mixed gas, with cross-over valves and charging points.
- Breathing air cylinder quad
- Mild Steel
- Spray painted and colour coded for breathing air
- 12 Cylinder Dimensions: 1045mm (W) x 815mm (L) x 2100mm (H)
- 16 Cylinder Dimensions: 1045mm (W) x 1045mm (L) x 2100mm (H)
- Weights: 12 Cylinder Quad – 1000Kg / 16 Cylinder – 1400Kg
- Forklift slots provided beneath the quad
- Mesh steel frame welded to top of the frame
- Data plate, with manufacturing date, rack number, serial number of each cylinder & hydrostatic test date.
- Stainless steel tubing with high pressure brass fittings
- Provided with cylinder hydrotest certificates
- IMCA D023 & D018 Compliant Certification Package
- Bureau Veritas Class Witness Testing Certification for entire system