Protect yourself from the possible dangers of refilling cylinders with Coltri explosion-proof booths. Maximum safety against explosions due to air expansion and generated fragments. Capacity to house 2 cylinders with a maximum diameter of 220mm.

Standard equipment

Whisk with DIN 300 bar connection

Net weight (approx.): 222 kg – 452 lb

Filling connection: DIN 300 bar

Tank storage (W x D x H): Max diameter 220 cm – 8.66 in. / 60 x 73 x 104 cm – 23.6 x 28.7 x 40.9 in.


Protect yourself from the possible dangers of refilling cylinders with Coltri explosion-proof booths. Maximum safety against explosions due to air expansion and generated fragments. Capacity to house 2 cylinders with a maximum diameter of 220mm.

Standard equipment

Whisk with DIN 300 bar connection

Net weight (approx.): 222 kg – 452 lb

Filling connection: DIN 300 bar

Tank storage (W x D x H): Max diameter 220 cm – 8.66 in. / 60 x 73 x 104 cm – 23.6 x 28.7 x 40.9 in.